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Football tickets & packages

All football tickets at the same place is a comparison website for football tickets and packages where you can quickly compare different offers from different ticketing companies and travel agencies. You can compare everything from only match tickets to complete packages with hotels and flights.

Whether you are looking for tickets for your favorite team in any of the big leagues or national team matches, the companies that sell tickets for the game are listed on the site. Currently, about 10 companies are listed on the site.

Search team or league to most easily find your way to a match that seems interesting. Compare prices and what is included in the options. Click through to the retailer's website to see more details about your choice.

By clicking on the info icon next to the offer you can see more details about what is included in the price. What may distinguish, for example, the type of ticket, type of hotel, or if the company is an official partner of the club. They may also include food, stadium tour or admission to the club's museum.

Search for your favorite team or an exciting destination.

Compare deals from different ticket companies.

Choose the ticket or package that suits you best.

Contact us or the seller if you have questions.

A Guide to Football in Europe

Emirates Stadium

Note that do not sell tickets, it's a service that will help you to easily compare football tickets. If you can't find tickets for a specific match or if you have tips of improvement of the website we would be grateful if you let us know, please contact us by the contact form at the bottom of the page.